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Saturday, September 20, 2008

It has been a stressful week

I have been buffeted by some attacks from "the dark side" this week and they have been particularly stressful. The power of God is awesome in spite of this and He has given me the strength, both physically and spiritually, to stand against them. Through the prayers of my family, myself, and dear friends I have come through and will be stronger for it.

Jesus can do all things and I can too as long as I allow Him to work through me and not try to do it on my own strength. It is the "allow" part that most people have trouble with. We are not programmed that way by the world. We are told from a very young age that we can do anything and that it is up to us and no one else. That is one way of looking at things but it is not the way that God wants us to look at life.

Our lives are meant to be used in service to Him, no matter what occupation we have. He intends for us to use our occupations, such as policemen, firefighters, home-makers, factory workers or medical personnel to ultimately serve Him. Your service for God can be as little as showing that you are His by not arguing, or letting someone on a bus have your seat. Speaking with an elderly person about their life and really listening. Taking the trash out for your parents or your neighbor without being asked to do so and not asking for money. In other words, show that Jesus lives in your heart by what you do not what you say or by a cross on a necklace.

You can be a child of God just by asking Jesus into your heart and life. It really is that simple. There are many who don't think that they can be forgiven by Him, but since He forgave even those who rejected and crucified Him, He can forgive you too. Won't you let Him in to show you just how good it feels to be forgiven? Even if you don't know how to pray, God can tell when you are sincere about your repentance and are ready to receive Him.

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