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Monday, November 22, 2010

Does our life really matter in the grand scheme of things?

The answer to that question is: “It depends on who you are serving, yourself or God.”

Do you ever feel that life and the living of it is just too hard or stressful? I do. There are days when I wish that a truck would just lose control and end my life right there regardless of whether I am going to work or coming home. But, most days I have my son in the car with me so I don’t pray for anything like that to happen. You do have to be careful about what you ask for, you know. Depression is an awful and deceitful emotion. It creeps up on you gradually, just a little at a time and then one day it hits you like a truck with no brakes!

Depression really does hurt. Especially when our daily grind is unrewarding or when you feel that life and this world are not treating you fairly. If you are not a Christian, days like this can cause all sorts of things to happen and most of them are not good. Being a Christian doesn’t exempt you from days like this.

In fact, it seems to multiply them occasionally. If you haven’t matured enough or if you have other things in your life that you haven’t confessed lately, that is when God gets out His polishing tools and puts you through some trials in order to make you into the Christian that He needs you to be.

He knows the outcome but that doesn’t stop Him from doing what needs to be done to bring out your best, even if it hurts. The pain that comes during these times is not unbearable because He said that He would not allow us to go through a trial that He can’t provide a way out of.

If you are serving yourself, the grand scheme really doesn’t matter unless it is a personal accomplishment of some kind. Because your personal “grand scheme” likely will not affect the whole world, just your piece of it, then what will become of your accomplishments and your family when your life is over?

If you are serving God, then the grand scheme should be His and you should be asking for His guidance to do whatever it is that is necessary to fulfill your part of it. He will provide you with exactly what you need, when you need it according to His plans for you. He doesn’t always give you what you ask for when you ask for it because He knows that we sometimes ask for things that we aren’t ready for or that we really don’t need.

Come to the throne of grace and ask Him into your life. Your life and your daily walk with Him will never be the same. It will be BETTER!!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Heaven IS better than hell!

I saw something tonight which upset my whole world, I saw a post on someone’s site which said exactly the opposite of my title. How could someone, even an atheist, believe that hell could possibly be better than Heaven?

The absence of God and light, other than from the fires of hell. The absence of anything of beauty or of anything which is living other than the creatures which inhabit hell. The people and the demons (fallen angels that followed Satan) which are there have no souls, and yet they will never die, even if they wish to. There are no parties, no laughter, no joy, no peace, no water, nothing good other than what you may wish you had done in your life on earth.

This is what is waiting for those who reject God and His grace through Christ. God does not wish that any should experience this place. It was created for Satan and his followers, not for humans. And yet, if you choose to reject God and the truth told in the Bible, you are at enmity with Him just like those who followed Satan and rebelled against God.

God loves us all and doesn’t want anyone to go to this place. Give Christ your life and your heart. Ask Him to show you how to be a follower of His and what you need to do to serve Him in this life so that you will have a real life after this one. Jesus loves us all and wants us all to be there with Him. Please give Him a chance in your life today, right now!  You don’t know if you have tomorrow or next week. Don’t wait because waiting may be too late.

Jesus came to save the lost of the world, us, from the punishment which was designed for those who followed Satan. Hell was not designed for us, mankind was never meant to go there in the beginning. We condemn ourselves to this place if we reject the gift of grace through Jesus and refuse to accept Him as our savior. It is not too late so don’t wait, you may not have another chance.

Take care lest ye fall ….

Our world today tends toward glorifying wealth and the accumulation of things. What good can this possibly bring to anyone? The possession of possessions, expensive or not, is a disease that our culture has. Not just in America, but being consumers means that we consume anything and everything that we can get our hands on. What kind of society is that? Would any sane person want to be a part of a world in which being a consumer was all that you strive for?

Is there a cure or even a way out of this for our world? Or even for our culture and our country? Does anyone care that our economy is failing? Not just the economy of America but eventually the economies of other nations as well, like what happened eighty years ago during the Great Depression. When the economy of America crumbled, the financial systems of the entire world crumbled too. That could happen again, then what are we going to do?

The only real cure for out world, not just America, is to turn to the One who has the answers for all of these questions. The Word of God has the answers that the world seeks, but the world doesn’t receive it and won’t until their hearts come to the knowledge of Christ. I am not speaking of a particular race or country, but to the whole of humanity.

Christ died for all of our sins, regardless of what those sins are or were. Sin, to God, is sin and it doesn’t matter if it is telling someone you will do something and then not doing it or if you killed thousands of people in the name of Allah. A lie or murder or a sexual sin of any kind before, during or after marriage is still sinful and they all carry the same penalty, eternal separation from Heaven and God.

Eternal separation means hell, even though it was made for the devil and his followers, that is where those who don’t accept Jesus and his grace will go when they die. There will be no “eternal party”, it will be torturous for all time to come and it hinges on one decision, whether you believe Jesus died for your sins and paid the price for them or not.  That’s it! The entire gospel can be summed up in that sentence.

One world currency and a “united earth” cannot fix our problems, because the differences are still there. Culturally, spiritually, collectively, our differences will always separate us from each other and from God. Until we decide to trust Him and His redemptive work, which Jesus did for us, and accept it into our hearts, we will be separated from God here and in eternity.

When we are separated from God in this life, who has control of your life’s outcome? You may believe that you do, but you don’t. Satan does. He is the temporary ruler of the world. He knows that his time is limited and that when the end of the age comes, and Christ steps on the earth again, his rule is over. No time-outs, no do-overs. Christ finished His redemptive work on the cross, He said so when He said, “It is finished”. The only thing that is keeping the end of the age from coming is the last person who will accept Him has not done so yet. When that happens, the age of the church will be over. Don’t wait until then.

PTSD in daily living

Post traumatic stress disorder sounds intimidating but it happens all around us, not just to soldiers. Children experience it from bullying at school or from constant tension at home. Men and women experience it at work as doctors, nurses, fire department personnel, police personnel and in tense arguments at home. Soldiers experience it anytime that they are in a dangerous and life threatening situation.

We are all in life threatening situations when we get on the highway but it seems so normal until we don’t see it that way until something happens around us or to us and our family.  Some days, just living can be a stress producing ordeal which can traumatize our minds. These are the times that we should be reaching out to God to be our constant companion in every situation. Our comforter and guide is always waiting for us to call on Him and He will be there.

Jesus said that we would receive a comforter when He went back to the Father and as Christians we have that but some of us don’t count on Him daily like we should. God loves us all, no matter where we are and until we allow Him to enter our hearts and live there daily, we can never know the depth of His love for us.

In many ways, the lack of commitment to being a servant of God is the reason for Post traumatic stress disorder.  If we would humble ourselves and come to Him daily, we would not have such stressful lives and if the stress was there we would have Him to comfort us in our time of need. There are many ways that people today have to find comfort. Some are legal and some are not but most of us find a way to find comfort whether it is temporary or permanent. The kind of comfort we find in serving Jesus is permanent.

Read the Bible, it is good for you and for your future. It also contains the most helpful wisdom that can be found in this life and it is the source of most “self-help” advice, in my opinion. Our Creator put your DNA together bit by bit before you were born and He knew you long before that. Give Him a chance in your life to prove that He really is the One, the Excellent Counselor and the Prince of Peace.  Romans 8:28

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Faith in Today's Church, is it real?


The church that our Lord began two thousand years ago seems to be lost. Not from the lack of members or converts, but from a lack of conviction and purpose. We, as the Church that our Lord gave His life for, have become stale, bland and unappealing to those who need Hope the most. Like salt which has lost its saltiness and is good for nothing, and the message has lost its fire.

The message from the church only causes more strife and bitterness in the world at large rather than giving men hope. Why is that? Jesus taught us a message of hope and yet Christians today seem to be unable to give that hope or His message the fire and the flavor that they once did. The enemy seems to be able to quench the fire of our faith too easily, why is that?

It is because our lives have become too involved with “stuff”, not just our everyday existence but other insignificant issues which get in the way like so many thorns and weeds. The only way to overcome our adversary is to study God's Word and get our hunger for it back. If we don't do that, he will overcome us and our message, and the Church cannot, must not allow that to happen! The Spirit will guide us and protect us but we have to be willing to follow Him daily.

Our coming to God is not of our own volition because we are drawn by the Spirit. Once we claim our place in His service as Christians, God never lets go. We may walk away but He is always there waiting for us like a patient Father. The time which we have here on earth is to be of service to Him but so is our eternal service after this life. This will not be a chore, as some would think, but a glad and cheerful service as unto someone dearly loved.

The message which was given by Jesus to be spread to the “uttermost parts of the earth” was and is the good news of the Kingdom of God. This also includes the forgiveness of sins through our Lord's suffering for all on the cross with His death and resurrection putting the final blow to the control over us by our sinful nature. Once we come to Him, believing in Him and the forgiveness extended to us through His sacrifice for us, we can never lose that which we cannot gain through any act of our own.

The sacrifice that our Lord made on our behalf is something that no mere man can accomplish, only the Son of the Most High God! Only the Lion of Judah could accomplish the forgiveness which was needed for the whole world. No law or man-made “thing” can accomplish this. Our so-called righteousness is as formless as a vapor and has no substance to it at all, especially from the point of view which God has. A perfect and Holy God cannot view imperfect man and his imperfect righteousness.

Monday, September 27, 2010



The Jews in exile were saying that God was going to condemn them so He could watch them suffer, that God would take pleasure in destroying them (vv. 30.32).

Ezekiel's reply to this idea was that God does not want you to die! (See v. 23.) These statements from God cannot be any more plain, forceful, or beautiful than this: I have no pleasure in the death of anyone who dies. (v. 32). God wanted His people to live. He did not want Judah to be destroyed; He wanted His people to live, not to die!

If they died, it would not be because God wanted it to happen; it would be instead because they refused to listen to God’s prophet and turn from their sins that they might be saved, so they might live! Even so today: If you die, if you are lost now and are lost eternally, it is not  because that is what God wants. God does not want anyone to perish (2 Peter 3:9); rather, He wants everyone to be saved (1 Timothy 2:4). Jesus died for all (Hebrews 2:9); the grace of God that brings salvation
is available to all (Titus 2:11). If you ultimately are lost, then, why will it
happen? The answer is sin. Sin condemns (Romans 6:23), regardless of the type of sin that it may be.

Even that answer is incomplete. We are lost because of our sins, certainly; but if that were the complete answer, everyone would be lost eternally, for all have sinned (Romans 3:23). Why will you be lost? The answer is unrepented-of sins! That was Judah's problem: It was not merely that Judah had sinned, but that Judah had, in spite of the warnings of the prophets, refused to repent. Ezekiel came with a final appeal: Repent and live.! (18:32b). In the end, Judah was destroyed as a result of the people's failure to heed Ezekiel's appeal.

Likewise, if anyone should perish, the reason will not be that God wanted it to happen. Rather, destruction will come because you have failed to heed the warnings found repeatedly in His Word.  Repent and live!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Our life in Him, His Life in us!

Some people think that Christianity is just like other religions. That there is no difference other than the person that we believe in. We still have to try hard to be good enough to “get saved” before Jesus will accept us as His. This view of doctrine is not from God’s Word.

Jesus’ words were “I will abide in you and you abide in Me”. The word translated as “abide” can mean many things like “walk, live with, or trust”. Our responsibility as Christians is to daily live as Christ would have us live. Follow Him daily or as scripture puts it “pick up your cross daily and follow Me”.

God expects us to be holy as He is holy but He knows that we cannot do this without Him. We are not able to be holy on our own, our righteousness is as “filthy rags” before a holy God. Without Jesus in your heart, nothing that you do or say can ever be “worthy” enough.

Other religions of the world try to get us to work our way toward heaven so that it is our accomplishment and our way which brings us to heaven. These religions have been and are being deceived by the ruler of this world, Satan, the adversary of God. He can and has done this for many thousands of years and is still doing it. The world doesn’t like Christians or our message because our message is against their way of life. It makes everything that they do or say look foolish because it is when judged by God’s Word.

Before the troubled times come at the end of this age, please read the Bible! Ask someone to explain it to you, pray about it and ask God to show you what you should know and what you need to know. He will if you ask.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Do you ever feel like your voice is never heard?

Do you ever feel like your voice is never heard, even when you are talking with someone close to you? A friend, your wife or husband or even your dad or mom? Does it feel like your voice is just going into the air and no one actually hears what you are saying? In a crowded place do you feel alone, as I do? These feelings are what is considered normal in today’s society but they are not normal in any sense at all!

Do you feel empty, like there is always something missing? Something that you know that you should have or something that you feel deep down that you really need and yet you know that you don’t have it yet? We were actually created with this “need”, but we were not given the identity of that need. We are supposed to find it ourselves. The problem with that is that we usually look in all the wrong places for this “something” that we know or feel will make us “happy”. Why is that?

Our society and its expectations are such that we look to “trophies” of one kind or another to make us “happy” or fulfilled, and in reality these trophies can do no such thing. No matter how much money, fame, honor, glory, praise, or prestige you may have, it will never fill the ache inside which you have felt for most of your life.

The only way to fill that emptiness is with a relationship with God and His Son, Jesus. When you truly accept Him into your life, the void will begin to fill up! It will continue to fill as you seek Him to guide your life daily through prayer and by reading His Word, the Bible. God is not dead as some say and He is not asleep. He has not forgotten us because He can’t. We are His creation, all of us! Prophecy from His word tells us this and that He is not finished. There are many things yet to come.

Your life can be a witness to His glory and for Him. It doesn’t matter whether you are a Jew, or a Muslim, or Hindu or Buddhist, if you give your life to Him and ask Him into your heart the void in your life will be filled! It will begin to fill up and it will continue until He comes back or you are taken home to be with Him. The life we live here is but a temporary, fleeting existence. Our real life begins at our meeting Jesus and continues on from there. Death has no control over our life after that, this world and its troubles has no control over our life and its meaning after we accept the Christ. Our witness to every person that we come in contact with daily matters more than anything we can accomplish on earth because everything here is temporary.

Your life and what you choose to do with it is what matters and what matters the most is what you choose to do with Jesus in relation to the life you live and what you pass on to others. Whether they are your friends, your children or your family in general, the message that you portray to others as a Christian is your legacy that you will leave when you die. Nothing else truly matters until that part of your life is filled with Him. When that happens, then your life has a purpose and a true meaning. Before you accept Jesus nothing has an eternal meaning but after you do, everything can have an eternal meaning when you are living your life for Him and through Him daily.  Have a blessed day in His Service.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Standing accused before a Judge

Standing before the Judge and about to be sentenced for a serious crime, how would you feel? What could you say in your defense that would make a difference? Anything?

“I have given ten percent to my church all of my adult life”; “I have always helped out during Christmas at the homeless shelter”; “I gave over a million dollars to the relief of hunger in Israel”:  Would any of these wonderful humanitarian acts mean anything in relation to the crimes you are convicted of? Have you forgotten anything?

Just before the Judge sentences you, a Man steps forward and tells the Judge, “I know he is guilty but I will pay for his crimes. I will take the punishment for him. Let him go free!”  What kind of person would do such a thing? Why?

The answer lies in a simple but profound word, love.  We are not wrongly accused at all. All of humanity has fallen short in that we cannot be good enough on our own. I know the One who would take and has taken the punishment for all of our sins, do you? The Man who stepped forward is Jesus and the one accused could be any of us. Our own humanitarian acts and good deeds in this life are not good enough to get us into heaven. We can’t be good enough because without Jesus, we are just as guilty of rejecting God’s gift of salvation as Lucifer and the other angels are of rebellion.

Our lives and the good works which we may do are gifts from God and yet the only way to heaven is through the blood of Jesus that was shed for our sins long before we were born. God cares for all of us, Jew and Gentile, but if we choose to live our lives our way instead of giving our life to Him through Jesus then it is our decision that condemns us not Him. It is a hard concept to accept from our limited point of view and it seems too easy, but that is why God gives us the choice and the ability to choose.

Give serious consideration to the message here and those found in the Bible because it is important! Your life here and in the hereafter will be greatly affected by your decision, so choose carefully. Regardless of the rhetoric out there regarding life or the lack of it after you die, wouldn’t you rather choose Jesus and His gift and find out that the Bible is true, than to choose not to believe and still find out that the Bible is true? One choice leads to life forever and the other leads to  eternal punishment for the simple act of refusing to believe.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


The Maker of all human beings (GOD) is recalling all units manufactured, regardless of make or year, due to a serious defect in the primary and central component of the heart.

This is due to a malfunction in the original prototype units code named Adam and Eve, resulting in the reproduction of the same defect in all subsequent units. This defect has been technically termed "Sub-sequential Internal Non-Morality," or more commonly known as S.I.N., as it is primarily expressed.

Some of the symptoms include:

1. Loss of direction

2. Foul vocal emissions

3. Amnesia of origin

4. Lack of peace and joy

5. Selfish or violent behavior

6. Depression or confusion in the mental component

7. Fearfulness

8. Idolatry

9. Rebellion

The Manufacturer, who is neither liable nor at fault for this defect, is providing factory-authorized repair and service free of charge to correct this defect.

The Repair Technician, JESUS, has most generously offered to bear the entire burden of the staggering cost of these repairs. There is no additional fee required. The number to call for repair in all areas is:


Once connected, please upload your burden of SIN through the REPENTANCE procedure.

Next, download ATONEMENT from the Repair Technician, Jesus, into the heart component.

No matter how big or small the SIN defect is, Jesus will replace it with:

1. Love

2. Joy

3. Peace

4. Patience

5. Kindness

6. Goodness

7. Faithfulness

8. Gentleness

9. Self control

Please see the operating manual, the B.I.B.L.E. (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth) for further details on the use of these fixes.

WARNING: Continuing to operate the human being unit without correction voids any manufacturer warranties, exposing the unit to dangers and problems too numerous to list and will result in the human unit being permanently impounded. For free emergency service, call on Jesus.

DANGER: The human being units not responding to this recall action will have to be scrapped in the furnace. The SIN defect will not be permitted to enter Heaven so as to prevent contamination of that facility.

Thank you for your attention!


P.S. Please assist where possible by notifying others of this important recall notice, and you may contact the Father any time by 'Knee mail'!

Because He Lives

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Our country needs PRAYER, NOW!!

We are just before losing our country to radicals and because of the government's stand against Israel. I am calling on ALL Christians, regardless of your denomination, in this country or around the world to start fasting and praying for the USA.

I am beginning a forty day fast starting this Friday and I call on all committed Christians to do the best that they can to follow me in this. Even fasting for one day and praying will let God know that we are all serious about this so please consider it. Our world is rapidly approaching the end time spoke of in the Bible and if we don't do something, nothing will be done!

I await your comments on this.

Islam, a religion

There are many websites which compare Islam and Christianity but if you read the Bible and read the Koran, they are nearly identical in many respects. The only glaring difference is that the prophet who wrote the Koran is dead. The God of the Bible is not and neither is His Son, Jesus. I know that this post is going to inflame many who are practicing Muslims and I do apologize for this.

The principal reason that I am posting this is not to put myself in jeopardy but to bring to light some of the similarities of the two religions which seem to be unable to get along with each other. Many of the principles taught in the Koran are the same ones which are taught in the Bible. Why is there such enmity between these two religions? I believe it goes back to the time of Abraham and the enmity between Ishmael and Isaac.

There are many similarities between Judaism, Christianity and Islam but because of their differences in practice, these three religions seem to be at odds with each other all over the world. The Jewish religion doesn’t regard Jesus as their Messiah, Christians do and Messianic Jews do as well. Muslims regard Him as a great prophet but not the Son of God.

As for the prophet, Mohamed, being the messiah or the one who will bring unity, that notion is ridiculous. No mere man, prophet or leader can fulfill the position of the Messiah, only Jesus can do that. When He comes in His glory, the world will see, even those who hung Him on the tree.

I’ve never seen evidence of God!


This is a statement that I have heard many times in news or other media stories and it is one that I cannot understand! How can you wake up in the morning and not feel the evidence of God when you are breathing or with your heart beating? This universe that we live in was not an accident of creation through gravity and heat and coincidence!

The proteins and the cellular structures in our cells are put together in such a way that, according to computer models done on super-computers, the precision with which our bodies run could not have happened by evolutionary means in the time that the universe has supposedly been here (approximately 13 billion years or so).

Our planet is so perfectly positioned in a solar system which has certain characteristics, like some large gas giants which protect us from inbound comets or other debris. The distance that our planet is from the sun is so precise that only a one percent difference would mean either too hot or too cold for life. These can’t be explained by pure luck or by accident! Our life, your life is not accidental but purposeful! There is and always has been a longing in the heart of man. That longing is for a relationship with our Creator. Whether you acknowledge Him as your Lord or not doesn’t matter, although for your eternity it does.

We don’t just die and rot in the ground, even if that is what you believe. Our body does, that is true. But the spirit which was put there before you were born continues and when the New Earth is created your body will be resurrected anew as well. This is not some “new-age” thinking, this comes directly from the Bible itself. Regardless of what is and has been written about God and His Word, it is not a fairy tale!

The Word of God was inspired by Him and written by men. This part is true, but it was not made up by man. There is no way that the forty writers who wrote the Bible could have “made up” the history which has been proven archeologically and the prophecies which have come true. The fall of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. was foretold more than 400 years before it happened. Our world and the people on it have ample evidence of God and His creation to see that He exists without anyone telling them and yet the world chooses to believe the lies from science or some other “man-made” religion or even no religion at all!

There will be a day in which everyone will see Him coming in His glory, even those who crucified Him! Your heart longs for a relationship with Him. If not today, when? You are not guaranteed tomorrow, no one is. I know I would rather serve Him for eternity in whatever capacity I can, than be punished in hell because I was given the greatest gift of all and I refused to accept it. That is the sin which is unforgiveable. Don’t throw away your chance.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Our country needs PRAYER, NOW!!

We are just before losing our country to radicals and because of the government's stand against Israel. I am calling on ALL Christians, regardless of your denomination, in this country or around the world to start fasting and praying for the USA.

I am beginning a forty day fast starting this Friday and I call on all committed Christians to do the best that they can to follow me in this. Even fasting for one day and praying will let God know that we are all serious about this so please consider it. Our world is rapidly approaching the end time spoke of in the Bible and if we don't do something, nothing will be done!

I await your comments on this.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

An image of Jesus


Our image of Jesus is distorted from the way painters have portrayed Him as a weak, feminine type of man. In the time that He lived, and the vocation that He worked with His earthly father as a carpenter, weakness was not an option. A carpenter had to lift wooden doors, chairs, beams, and whatever else without a whole lot of help except for his muscles. The image that I have of Jesus shows a kind, gentle man but one with strength, not only from His spirit but from the work that He did before He started His ministry on earth.

Our Lord loved all of us and still does with a love that cannot be understood by today’s culture. He truly was and is the Messiah, the Savior of us all, not just some prophet whose body was hidden after He was crucified. One day He will come back and all will see who the Prince of Peace and the King of kings really is. On that day every knee will bow to Him and those who accepted Him in life will go on to their reward for eternity. Those who did not accept Him and His message, will be cast into the lake of fire and eternal punishment which was meant only for Satan and his minions.

Please, regardless of what you think of my site or its message, read the Bible. Pray that Jesus will forgive you of your sins and come into your heart and cleanse you of all unrighteousness. The smallest sin, like telling a lie to someone or even the sin of being a murderer or even a rapist are all equal in God’s sight. The only sin which will send anyone to hell is that of rejecting Jesus and His gift of forgiveness, that’s it! The love of Christ to you all and His peace too.

Friday, May 21, 2010

The inerrant Word of God

It seems that there are those who are questioning the truth of the Bible. The Jewish leaders and teachers have never doubted the veracity of the Torah or of the Prophets and Writings why should anyone question that which completes the Bible. The New Testament is the testimony of those who witnessed Jesus’ miracles and His proof of divinity by His resurrection. He fulfilled the prophecies about the Messiah foretold hundreds of years before His birth.

I realize that this is a bit of a stretch for people to believe who don’t have any faith in Him but it is true! There are many prophecies from the Old Testament which point to where He would be born and His birth to a virgin. That He would be of the line and family of David. That He would be beaten and crucified, although crucifixion had not been used or even seen at the time it was prophesied.

I know that there are many who don’t want to believe that this is true and I do understand. Because, if it is true it means that we all deserve to go to hell. It also means that we are all sinners, regardless of the magnitude of the sin itself. As in today's culture a “little white lie” is not considered to be something to go to hell for, but someone who is a murderer or a molester of children does. Unfortunately, in God’s sight a sin is a sin and perceived size does not matter. In truth, the only sin that will send any of us to hell is the rejection of God’s grace through Jesus and the acceptance of Him as our Lord and Savior.

In my opinion, that is the reason many people don’t want Jesus or don’t accept Him…… because it is too simple and easy! It is hard for people who don’t have faith or have never been in a church to accept something simply on faith, like a child. A small child doesn’t question if what you said is true as long as you haven’t proven to them that you will lie to them. They accept what you tell them as the truth, no matter what. If your life needs someone or some strength that you cannot provide yourself, look to Jesus and ask Him! I promise, He will not let you down and once you give your life to Him, He will never leave you!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Our world, a beautiful blue jewel

In the beginning God created this world to be perfect and it was for a time. Then sin entered the world and everything started dying, not just mankind. We were created to be sinless beings to have communion with God anytime He wished it or anytime we wished to contact Him. This condition will be restored to us when the New Earth comes down after the reign of Christ on the Earth during the millennium after the Tribulation and the binding of Satan. Our lives will not be as “angels” strumming harps and singing praises to God for eternity, although we will do that at times. We will never be made as angels, we will be restored to fellowship with God as it was meant to be from the beginning.

I have heard many people say that they would rather be in hell than in Heaven. They don’t know what they are saying or what awaits them. The eternity that will be spent in hell will be torture and painful. It will not be, as some believe, an eternal party. You will not know joy or peace though you will remember them. It will be unbearably hot but with an immortal body you will not die, although you will wish for death. This will come upon all of those who have rejected Christ and His grace. A very simple act of accepting Jesus as your savior is all that you have to do escape an eternity of punishment.

We were not created to be punished in hell, it was created to punish Satan and those who followed him. The only reason any human will be there will be because of their rejection of Jesus and His gift of Grace. That is it! No other sin will send you there although you will pay for the ones you committed since they won’t be covered by His blood and His sacrifice. Please, ask Jesus to come into your life and heart today and start living a life of service to Him. It is such a small price to pay for an eternity since He paid the ultimate price to redeem you.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Is anyone satisfied with life? Really?

In our world of instant potatoes, microwave popcorn, throw-away phones, etc. is it any wonder that we aren’t satisfied with life? Everything is easy, quick, “cheap”. Nothing lasts as long as we would like or feels as good as we had hoped. We are depressed, disillusioned and most of all angry at everyone and everything because nothing, nothing ever satisfies our hunger or our thirst for whatever it is we are searching for, no matter what it may be!


Boy, am I glad I got all of that off my chest!!


Your life doesn’t have to be that way. You don’t have to have everything instantly. Things that last are much more precious and harder to come by than the advertisements lead you to believe. Although the most precious and lasting relationship can last forever, most never realize it until it is too late. They find they have picked the wrong one and by that time there is no turning back. Or possibly, you might not wake up at all tomorrow. What then?


Will you find yourself facing God and not having an answer to His question, “What did you do with my Son?” Do you know who His Son is? Have you met Him? It really is easy you know? If you have been searching for something, but you are not sure what, it may be that you are truly being drawn to Him. Listen to that voice inside which is pulling on your heart. God is the creator and He loves His creation, you! Let Him into your life!  He can clean out the dirt, the cobwebs, and everything else that you think would make you un-worthy and make you whole and new again!

Call on Him!  Ask Jesus into your heart, simply, like a child. He will hear you and come into your life and make you and your life whole again, if you will let Him. That is all that He asks of you. Just give your life to Him. He doesn’t need your money, just your service to Him and His Kingdom.