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Thursday, October 9, 2008

Today is a wonderful day!

Every day we wake from sleep should be considered a glorious and wonderful day to serve our Lord! He is the rock on which I stand and the one I count on in times of stress or good times too. Our creator knew us all before we were ever born because He determines who will be born and what their life will ultimately be. In service to Him or not, truly one way or another everyone serves God in some form or fashion. Even Hitler and Pharaoh in the Holy Scriptures served Him and His purposes regardless of the cruelty they both perpetrated on the Jewish nation.

Truly, even Satan himself serves God's purposes whether he likes it or not. I am sure he wouldn't admit that he serves God since he wants to supplant God, but he does! Every ruler, president, dictator or prime minister serves God in some way because He is responsible for them being where they are. God dethroned Nebuchadnezzar when he became too proud of his place in the world and He can do the same today to whomever He chooses.

Our world, not just the United States, needs to wake up to the fact that God is angry at humanity for rejecting His Son. He allows all of us, by His grace, to go about our lives hoping that we will see the error of our ways and repent. How arrogant we are to thumb our noses at Him and say, "You don't exist!", "I can do it myself!". I know, that sounds like a toddler or someone who just doesn't care. Truly, if we could actually see God and feel His wrath without it destroying us, I am sure that the whole world would get on their knees and turn to Him by the millions. I am also sure that there would be some who would just ignore Him, regardless.

Our time is not long in this world. I know that many people have said that over the centuries but the events in our world are proving prophecy to be right, especially those near the end in the book of Revelation. The time is now! Don't wait until the church, the body of believers in Christ, disappears from the earth! Because when that happens, the problems you are seeing now will pale in comparison to the ones that will come after. The series, Left Behind, was written as a fictional story but it was based on the book of Revelation and the prophecies contained in it. The horrors and other atrocities mentioned in the series could be far worse in reality, so make sure you aren't left behind.

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