Monday, December 29, 2008
Thank you, Lord for a wonderful year!
I know it sounds gloomy but God is in control of all of it! Every leaf that has fallen, every penny lost, every snow flake was His doing. But it was all planned to bring our attention around to realize that we are not in control, He is! Nothing that we do can change the color of he sky or the leaves, but He can. The salmon lives it's life in the ocean until it is time to spawn, then it makes its way back to its birth stream to do so. Science says it is instinct, the real reason is that God is in control and the salmon does His will.
We are the only creation to which God gave a free will. We can choose to do His will or we can choose not to do His will. He knows which one we will do but He also knows when or if we will ultimately come to Him. He also knows the trigger that will bring us to Him and He will use it. It may hurt, it may cause us to doubt Him for a time but ultimately, no matter how hard or how far you run from Him you are always running to Him. No one can escape God or His will for their lives. You can put it off, but if He truly wants you to do something for Him, you will. It may nearly take your lifetime to bring it about but He knows when your time is up on this earth and He knows when you can do Him and His kingdom the most good. Even if it is on your death bed.
Don't let it be on your death bed! Go to Him in a church, in your car, in your closet....wherever you need to meet Him, He will meet you because He is always with you no matter where you are or what you may be doing. To me, that is a sobering thought. Knowing that God is always at my side no matter what! He always sees what you do and when. Tell Him you are sorry for doing something which is wrong in His sight, regardless of how small you think it is it matters to God. It should matter to you too.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
How much is too little?
I am sorry to say that my life, or my perception of it gets in the way of my service to Him. I have to ask His forgiveness for this everyday and sometimes I just don’t. I see my responsibilities to my family and the things I do for them as more important. They are NOT! My service to Him and His kingdom is more important than anything that I can do for my family.
We are a weak race of people, the human race not Caucasians, African-Americans, Indians, etc. These just separate us by skin color and culture and sometimes religion. But we are all of the same race, God made us that way although we can’t see it that way most of the time.
Our lives, our service to God and to our fellow man should be our way of life. Our religion should be to follow Christ’s example of service to each other not for ourselves. Selfish desires have caused far more pain and suffering in the world than all the war and disease combined. Religious wars and disputes have also caused their share but most of the real suffering was due to selfishness and greed.
Don’t let your life be defined by things that don’t belong in it. God put you where you are for a purpose, His purpose! Every person, every animal, every plant, and every microbe on this earth does the will of the Creator at one point or another. The human race is the only one that has the free will to do otherwise. He gave us that free will so we would come willingly to Him when He calls us.
If you are feeling that call or have heard it and not responded please consider doing so. God will bring you to Him once the call has been sent. You will answer Him but if it is a negative answer, you may not like the consequences afterward. He is not a vengeful God, but like your father here on earth He expects to be obeyed when He calls. Give your life to Him willingly and you will never regret it, I haven’t. He has taken care of my family’s needs ever since I was told I wasn’t needed at a former job almost two years ago. He will take care of yours too! Give Him the chance and He can make your life more than you ever thought it could be. It won’t be because of you, but because of Him.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
A bit of wisdom for today's world
If you have little, then more usually is better whether it is money or friends. I think many people would agree with me on this but some might not know if they had too little or too much. Even if it is money, too much causes much more problems and headaches than it is worth.
The amounts are arbitrary. Regardless of their number, it is the usefulness that counts. Twenty million rocks would do you little good if you wanted to buy a house or some land, but if those rocks were quarters you would be in good shape. With the exception of the weight and the fact that you would have to have an armored truck to carry that many quarters.
Anything is possible if you believe it is, regardless of how much you have. By that I mean that it doesn’t matter how much money, or rocks, or whatever you may have. As long as you believe in yourself and your abilities, anything really is possible! I don’t mean to imply that you should depend entirely on yourself. You have to depend on someone greater than yourself, meaning that you have to let Jesus and God into your life and allow them to work through you to accomplish the things that will benefit the kingdom of God and you too.
If we depend on our own strength, it will never be enough. We will be a frazzled mess which is why the drug industry is thriving today. Not just illegal drugs but the legal ones as well. There are so many people in the world living chemically dependent lives regardless of whether they are “hooked” on the chemicals or not. They just don’t realize how dependent they are until it is too late. We weren’t created to live this way! We weren’t created to do many of the things that we do, like work seven days a week or work nearly twenty hours per day or even work all night long at our jobs.
God understands that those things are necessary but He didn’t create us to live that way. When He sets up His kingdom on earth, we won’t have to work or live that way, no one will. Please, during this season, go to a Bible teaching church and listen to the message. You might just get something out of it that you didn’t expect, a relationship with your Creator and your God!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Hello world! It is time!
Belief is not the only requirement. Satan believes as do his fallen angels in Hell. Belief doesn’t save you by itself, but following through on that faith in Jesus and His sacrifice for you will. Belief in Jesus and His saving grace which was extended to all on Calvary and at His resurrection, is what saves your soul from Hell. Many people wonder how a loving God could send someone to Hell. The Bible tells us that He extends His grace and mercy to us through Jesus so that we can escape the punishment of Hell, punishment for not believing in His grace and mercy through Jesus is eternity in Hell.
Your body, physically, dies when you die but your immortal spirit lives on and it is that which is punished or rewarded based on your decision, not His! It is you and your decision that determines where you spend eternity, not God! Even the most vile, wretched person in the world can be saved from this IF they will repent and accept Jesus into their heart, even on their death bed (wherever that may be). Please, read or listen to God’s word at a church or online, there really is no time to lose! We are not guaranteed to live past our next breath, only by the grace of God do any of us live day to day at all! I am not trying to scare anyone, but the time for Jesus’ return to take the Church away is growing near and once it is gone, things on earth are truly going to get BAD!
Think about it, please! God bless you all and have a safe and Merry Christmas! And have a Happy New Year too!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
The Holiday Season is upon us, do we remember Who this is about?
But, does anyone pay attention to Who the holidays are supposed to be about? Many people think that Christmas is for our pleasure, our benefit and in some ways it seems to be, but celebrating Christmas is supposed to the be the birthday of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ.
Our lives are so commercialized these days until we can't seem to focus on much else. God loves us all and He gave us His Son to take the punishment for us all so that all we have to do is accept Him and His sacrifice and offer Him our service, our life as a living sacrifice to Him every day. Some people mistakenly think that they have to become a missionary or preacher to be a real Christian. Nothing could be further from the truth but in reality you become a minister of His when you truly accept Him into your heart. People who know you or knew you before you became a Christian will especially be watching you to see if there really has been a change in you.
You may not know they are doing it, but they are. And they will start spreading the news if your life shows a real change. They will spread the news even faster if you claim to have Jesus and your life hasn't changed! You will be the hypocrite that everyone talks about! Your life is a gift from God. He knitted your DNA together in the womb bit by bit. You are known more intimately by Him than anyone on earth could possibly know you. He knew before you were born how your hair would look, your personality, the way you would laugh, etc. Everything there is to know about you, He knows! He also knows when you will come to Him, if you ever do! He knows that too.
Our life is one of the greatest gifts that He gave us, but the greatest gift that we have ever been given is Jesus! We have the possibility of living with Him forever and serving Him now. The only requirement of us is faith in Him and acceptance of Him as our savior and Lord.
This holiday season, go to a Bible believing church and learn about Him. He is waiting for you. Your life is a part of God's plan and always has been. Make it a greater part by serving Him with your life and your work. Just the fact that you accept Him, makes you His servant. What you do as His servant is up to Him. You may just show the effect of Him in your life in your job or eventually you may be called to be a missionary or preacher. Whatever you do, do it for Christ, even if it is flipping burgers at a restaurant or cleaning the floors at a hospital.
Merry Christmas to you all!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
We should all be Thankful!
I read something the other day that quoted doctors as saying that they did not know what the reason was for people living longer who regularly attend church services. It is simply because they are serving their Creator and He is sustaining them, nothing more than that. But it is folly to those who don't belong to Christ because they can't understand it.
Our lives are to be living sacrifices to Him every day, not just when we need Him. Truly, we need Him every day and He desires our service and praise. He doesn't need us the way we need our spouses, but He desires to know the desires of our hearts like a mother or father desires to know and hear from their children.
The love of God doesn't depend on our service to Him nor does it depend on us at all. He loves us regardless. He desires our service to Him when we give our hearts to Him and to Jesus. We are not required to do this, but when your heart and spirit are changed by Jesus you will want to serve Him in some way. Being a deacon, a pastor, singing in a choir, teaching a class at church, cooking for the church, doing the best you can do at your regular job whatever that may be, these are all ways of serving Him daily. He doesn't require us to be missionaries to other people, just to those around us.
All people are important to Him because He created us all. He formed us all in our mother's womb from the bits of DNA of our mother and father. He knows exactly how you will look, how you will talk, what kind of temperament you will have, what choices you will make and why. The colour of your hair and how many there are on your head and the colour of your eyes are all things that He put there to make you who you are. He knows each of us more intimately than anyone else can. That is the God I serve gladly every day and I hope someday you will too.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
God loves us all, all His children of the World
There is a concept of humanity embodied in an African word which comes from the Zulu and Xhosa languages. Ubuntu (pronounced "oo-boon-too") is seen as a traditional African concept, is regarded as one of the founding principles of the new republic of South Africa and is connected to the idea of an African Renaissance.
A rough translation of the principle of Ubuntu is "humanity towards others". Another translation could be: "the belief in a universal bond of sharing that connects all humanity". This description of the word and principle of Ubuntu comes from the version of Linux I use and it describes a concept from the Bible that we are all here because of the grace and mercy of God. He created us where we are and in the station in which we find ourself, whether we are writers, teachers, Senators or the President of the United States. The very concept of ubuntu is why there is no word for "cousin" in African language. Everyone is thought of as brother, father, mother, or sister regardless of their relationship.
Jesus regarded those who were his disciples as brothers, sisters, and mothers so why can't we? I know there would be some people who would be against it, but if Jesus did it, why not? Our enemies can be our brother if we can just learn to live and get along until He comes back. There are so many people we could help and show the love of God to if we would do the will of the Father and go to them. Let them know that He loves them no matter what their circumstances are. No matter where they live or what they have done in the past, it can be forgiven by Him who loves us even when we are sinners. He doesn't love what we do or our behaviour but He loves us because he formed us all in the womb. When we come to Him in humility and let Him into our hearts and lives completely, the whole of Heaven itself rejoices for every sinner who comes to the knowledge of Jesus and His saving grace.
God doesn't choose who He will let in or not. I know the Bible says that we who are predestined to be conformed to Him will be and those who are not won't, but that is there because God knows the future and He knows ahead of time who will choose Jesus and who won't. He doesn't create you and point his finger at anyone's life and say, "I will take this one but I don't want that one". That is our choice and ours alone, even though He knows the choice we will ultimately make, He doesn't interfere with our choices. Sometimes it is hard to hear God's small voice but it is there, and our spiritual hearing gets better as we read and study His word. Don't wait, pick up a Bible today. Read it, pray over it, read it again. God speaks through His word and it is powerful. He will not leave you or forsake you, ever. If you don't believe me, ask Him to prove it. I guarantee that He will.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Christians need to rally together, now!
God loves us all and is in control regardless of what may happen. Our lives are in his hands and have always been. Jesus is our guide and our priest between us and God. He makes intercession for us along with the Holy Spirit, although God knows what we need and when we need it. You are His creation not just a collection of cells. God formed all of us in the womb and he knows us intimately. It hurts Him every time a child is aborted before having a chance at life. The life that He intended for that child to have and fulfill. Women have the right to choose, but not to murder and that is what happens when a child, not a fetus, is aborted.
America needs to get back to its Christian heritage and use the Bible as the center of our education system, not restrict people from exercising their rights as Americans. At one time in our history and up until about forty-six years ago, prayer was allowed and encouraged in classrooms. Once that was taken away, along with the study of scripture in high school, teen pregnancies began to skyrocket, violence in and out of the school and the home went up. In short, America began to lose its way. Away from God, and away from our forefather's dreams of a Christian nation in service to Him.
If our country can acknowledge other religions and their practices, why can't Christians exercise their beliefs too? Our beliefs are just as legitimate and more because our God created each of us and the universe too. He is the creator, not just some prophet or wise man, and when everyone finally comes to that conclusion it may be too late. Our lives are not our own, we were created to do His will and to glorify Him and His kingdom. When we do that, He will take care of our needs since He knows what they are before we do.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
God has chosen our new leader!
I pray that in time we will see what God has in mind by putting him in office, since it was his will that our new leader be who he is. God loves all of us, no matter our race or religious background and He wants us to come to Him and belief in His Son. I am praying that the changes which will come about because of this election will be the changes our country and our world need at this time.
God would not have put Barack Obama in this office if He did not have a plan for him to fulfill. I know in my heart that there are many who would rather have a different person in the president's office but it is ordained and his time will be what God wants it to be. I pray that he will be a powerful Christian in office and consult with God more than with men.
Jesus and His Father are behind all that goes on in the world, no matter what religion or people are involved. God chose the Jewish people as His people but when they rejected His Son, the gift of salvation was sent by the apostles to the gentiles (the rest of the world). We have bee the recipients of His grace ever since then. Every day we live is grace given to each of us. That grace comes to us in the form of our life and the air we breathe and the possibility of everlasting life with Him and through Him.
Give your life to Jesus and serve Him in all that you do and when He comes your reward will be more than you could ever imagine. Our human minds cannot comprehend what awaits us in heaven or as servants during the reign of Christ on earth during His millennial kingdom here on earth.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Election Day Jitters
I have consulted with my wife and with God on who should be our next President and so far I've not gotten an answer one way or the other. The office of the President will be bestowed upon the one who God has chosen not our own electorate, since He is the one who authorizes human governments not us.
God will decide no matter what the polls say or how many votes seem to disappear or don't appear at all on the ballots. It will be His choice just as it was when He chose David over Saul. The faith of the candidate matters not one bit. Whether he is a Christian or believes in Islam or Buddha or whatever, the choice is God's to make. Whether we suffer under the choice or not is ours.
The facts are that our country has strayed away from its roots, Christian roots. The settlers who came here, regardless of their role in slavery, were mostly Christian missionaries. Our history books may not reflect that now, but at one time they did. There have been many omissions in our history and I pray that we all will do the right thing and demand that those omissions be put where they belong so children will see and be able to understand where they live and why things are the way they are.
My vote may not make much of a difference in the outcome of the election, but God will put the one He wants in office regardless of our preferences and our differences. We are all His people, His creation, and He will make sure that our government is the one that He wants along with the President that He wants to run that government.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Eternity! That is a loooong time!
That word implies that our lives don't end and, if you are a child of God and have accepted Jesus as your Lord, they won't end. Oh, the earthly body will die unless Jesus comes before your time on earth is up, but either way eternity will be glorious. My acceptance of this was not easy and I did not come to this lightly. My grandparents and my parents died before I became truly committed to my walk with God. I am still not sure why I held so tightly to my own ideas and ways, but until my dad died about seven years ago, I wasn't ready to cling to God's way. I think God used my son and my responsibility to him as a way to get me to really commit to His service.
In reference to eternal life, whether you accept Jesus or not your soul will live forever. The big question is what will you be doing and where you will be for eternity? Eternity is a very long time and we cannot comprehend with our human mind the magnitude of it. It is hard for me to think about life as it was two hundred years ago or so. Jesus' followers lived two thousand years ago. Scientists say that our sun and planets are over four billion years old (although I don't believe it). Jesus is still alive and was alive before there was anything so regardless of the age of the universe, He is.
Just knowing that you will live forever is enough to make me commit my life to Jesus. I don't understand why anyone would want to spend eternity in hell. I know that many people think that it will be a big party, but it won't. There will be no laughter or merry-making there. If you have rejected God's provision of eternal life with Him through Jesus, you will be in torment and agony forever. Those are facts spelled out in God's word so they are set in stone and will not be changed. The only way to avoid that fate is to accept Jesus as your Saviour and live for Him and His kingdom.
Many people think that it couldn't be that simple and it really isn't. All you have to do is accept Jesus as your Saviour, then the work begins! Just because you accept Him your old nature won't go away, you will have to struggle against it for the rest of your life. But when you get closer to Him and study his word, it gets easier because you are becoming more like Him. You are not becoming a god, but you will become more like Christ by doing His will for your life. That can be as simple as doing a good job at your work whatever it may be. As long as you are following Him and studying His word to become a faithful servant of His, He will direct your life and “God causes everything to work together for the good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them.” Romans 8:28
Thursday, October 23, 2008
God loves us all!!
Our world and the solar system it resides in did not happen by chance, or cosmic accident or any of the other possibilities that have been bounced around over the years. God put everything here just the way He wanted it to be and the only reason it is "running down" is due to the sin that Adam brought into the world. It wasn't Eve's fault like many men today would like people to believe. God told Adam which trees they could eat from and which ones they couldn't eat from and it was his choice when he disobeyed God's command.
From that time on to today, the sin which was brought into the world is the reason that people die, cancer spreads and changes, disease develops resistance to treatment, etc. Even the natural world where animals turn on people and weeds grow and bacteria and fungus have turned deadly. This was not supposed to happen and it wouldn't have happened if Adam had obeyed God.
But, God knew that he would disobey His command even before he did. God knew and has always known what we will do and when we will do it. Jesus was there at the beginning when all creation was created. He also knew ahead of time about the things that were going to take place. In His own words, "I and the Father are one" John 10:30
He cannot lie and there is no other way to get to Heaven except by accepting Him as your Lord and Savior. There have been many who claim to have "found another way" but they are wrong. Christ is the only way and it says so in the Bible. Belief in God's only son and the grace which God extends to all of us is the only way to be saved, period! I invite your comments and I look forward to reading them. I hope to hear about your decision to accept Jesus as your Saviour and Lord.
God bless you all.
God truly loves you!
Our world and the solar system it resides in did not happen by chance, or cosmic accident or any of the other ways that science has postulated about and taught for so long. God created it all when He said, "Let there be light" in Genesis. Then when he described how the stars would be for signs and seasons He created the constellations. All that is out in the universe, no matter how far out it is, was put there by Him and created by Him.
God doesn't make something which is not perfect. The imperfections which are there were caused by our own rebellion against Him, when Adam and Eve decided to disobey in Eden. That is when everything in the universe started dying and the "disease" came about to cause everything, not just man, to decay. Everything that is on the earth or out in the cosmos is decaying or dying because of our ancestor's disobedience.
God knew it would happen and planned ahead, but our lives will be much harder than they would have been because of our disobedience. Every day, everyone has the choice to make of whether they will serve themselves or serve their Creator. Christians are no different, we have to make that choice daily too. Choose to serve Him. It won't make life on earth any easier, but it will be more bearable.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Our service is to our fellow man but it is also to the creator of the universe, God Himself.
That is why the book of Revelation is so hard to understand, because Jesus took John up to Heaven and showed him what must come to pass. The descriptions which John gave were the best he could do to describe what he saw and heard. The human mind just can't comprehend nor understand Heaven in its glory. God is now giving man the insight to see and understand the prophecies contained in His word because time is growing short. Jesus is coming soon. Regardless of what the world or television media or other “news” agencies may tell us, the Creator's patience is coming to an end.
This world has had two thousand years to come to Him and realize who He is and what our purpose is and it has largely ignored Him and His word. Mankind has made up gods or made gods out of animals or possessions or jobs or things such as cars, toys, computers, etc. Our imagination has run rampant over the past millennium or two to include things like ET, or dogs, cats, cattle, “wise men”, or men who could coerce people into following their ideals and make them think that they were “prophets”. None of these “gods” can do anything for you nor will they. There is even a “pseudo-religion” that says that we are gods in human form and that we were put here by some E T's who lived trillions of years ago. My Bible doesn't say anything of the sort!
If you add up the lives lived by Adam, Seth, Enosh, Kenan (Cainan), Mahalal, Jared, Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech, or Noah, the world before the flood was not here much more than two thousand years or so. Not TRILLIONS! God was around at that time, but nothing else was. Granted, I may have gotten their names out of order from the Genesis account but the fact is that our world, our universe has not been here for billions and billions of years. God can create a star fully formed as our sun is just by saying so.
The Creator...God who made all things knew that man would disobey Him and His commandments. That is why the Old Testament is the preparation for the Messiah's birth. The entire Bible tells of His coming and of His fulfilling of prophecies about Him. The Old Testament foretold His coming and how man should receive Him and the New Testament tells of His life and death and resurrection to give all of us hope and the ability to come to our Father as sons and daughters, regardless of our nationality or race.
These are truths found only in the Holy Scriptures, God's Word, the Bible. No other book could have been written by so many different men and women, in three different languages and all point to the same person, Jesus Christ!! Scholars may try to discredit it but there is no possible way anyone could explain how this book was written except to be the inspired word of the living God! Please read it today! Pray that God will show you that you need Him and His Son, Jesus, through the words of the Bible. It is the breath of life to all who find it and all who believe! I pray that God will richly bless you through the reading and hearing of His word and that all of you will come to know Christ.
Monday, October 20, 2008
God Loves You!!
Now, I am not saying that everything will be perfect after you accept Him but your spiritual life and your physical life will be under His protection from Satan's influence. And that is always a step in the right direction.
Christ said that when he came into the world it would cause conflict and that we, as Christians, would be hated because the world hated Him first. His love for us is spelled out in the Bible in so many passages that it would be hard to miss.
The Old Testament is usually seen as the history of the nation of Israel and it is to a certain extent but it is also where God shows just how much patience He has. He has far more patience than any human father would and He is our true father since He formed us in the womb.
Our universe was created by God, not some "big bang" or other random events. All of us and every star and galaxy was created by Him as well. The millions of species on this planet were designed by God to do exactly what they do and for the environment in which they live. There isn't enough time in the universe for all of these things to have happened by "random events" or evolution. God watches over all things that He created whether it happens to be something which He created in His image, like man, or not. You are special to Him because you were and are made in His image and the image of His Son! No one can take that away from you and if you would acknowledge it and accept Him as your Lord and Savior you will feel it! Like a BIG hug from your Dad, even if you never got one of those, that is how it feels when you surrender to Him. Give God a won't be disappointed!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Our life is not our own, but His!
I was a rebellious teen at the time that I said those things but I should have known better. I grew up angry. Angry at my dad for leaving and angry because..I just wanted to be. It took a long time for those feelings to finally be conquered and it took God's presence in my life to do it. Folks, God has more patience than anyone can imagine but time is running out. The prophecies from the Book of Revelation are coming true now or at least the ones leading up to the time of tribulation are.
Please, find a church and listen to a message from God. Read the Bible, the Holy Scriptures, let God speak to your heart and soul. Don't wait until it is too late! We are not guaranteed even the next minute of life. Your soul may be called home right after you read this, please don't wait. I know the attraction of this world is strong, but your life is short, not much more than a puff of wind, compared to eternity in Heaven or Hell. Your soul doesn't die, regardless of where you end up. But if you find yourself in hell, you will wish for death and it will not come for he is already there with you.
God doesn't want to punish people but He will be fully justified in doing so because the way to avoid it is so simple. Believe and trust in Jesus. Not just believe that He exists, I mean ask Him to come into your life and trust Him to take care of your spiritual needs. Once He does that, your physical needs will be taken care of as well. He won't make you rich, but you will be rich in Heaven and the rewards that come after the physical body is no more. Trust Jesus, He will guide you home and He will be there now when you are hurting or grieving or when you feel that you can't go on. He loves you more than anyone on earth could possibly comprehend. Give Him the chance to prove His love for you, you won't regret it.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Our it really all that hard?
Well, that is exactly what God did when He sent His son to die for our sins and pay the penalty for us all. Now, if it involved some monetary gain in this life before we died, there would be more converts daily than the churches of the world could handle! But, isn't eternal life much more valuable than that!
I know that there are those who would like for me to stop posting here, but this is my calling from God Himself and I will not stop. There are too many of you out there who have not heard or maybe you are looking but don't know who to ask about these things. I am going to try to answer as many questions as I can and if I can't answer them I will find the answer somehow. Fair enough?
The people of Israel know God and know about Him but some are not willing to admit that the messiah has already come. I have heard that there are some Messianic Jews who believe that Jesus is the Messiah and they believe that He came when the scriptures and the New Testament say He did. I hope that this is true and I pray that some of you will let me know about it. My e-mail is posted here so you can reply to me about anything which I have stated wrong so I can correct it. If I have offended anyone, I apologize in advance and ask your forgiveness.
Our Lord and Savior is waiting for you. Please let Him come into your life, He will make it so much more rewarding than it already is! The Scriptures really do spell out how much God loves all of us, regardless of being gentile or Jew. Let Him show you just how much by coming to Him in faith as Abraham did when he believed God about the promise of a son in his old age. Give Him a chance to melt your heart and write on it with the Holy Spirit who He truly is and why He loves you!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Today is a wonderful day!
Truly, even Satan himself serves God's purposes whether he likes it or not. I am sure he wouldn't admit that he serves God since he wants to supplant God, but he does! Every ruler, president, dictator or prime minister serves God in some way because He is responsible for them being where they are. God dethroned Nebuchadnezzar when he became too proud of his place in the world and He can do the same today to whomever He chooses.
Our world, not just the United States, needs to wake up to the fact that God is angry at humanity for rejecting His Son. He allows all of us, by His grace, to go about our lives hoping that we will see the error of our ways and repent. How arrogant we are to thumb our noses at Him and say, "You don't exist!", "I can do it myself!". I know, that sounds like a toddler or someone who just doesn't care. Truly, if we could actually see God and feel His wrath without it destroying us, I am sure that the whole world would get on their knees and turn to Him by the millions. I am also sure that there would be some who would just ignore Him, regardless.
Our time is not long in this world. I know that many people have said that over the centuries but the events in our world are proving prophecy to be right, especially those near the end in the book of Revelation. The time is now! Don't wait until the church, the body of believers in Christ, disappears from the earth! Because when that happens, the problems you are seeing now will pale in comparison to the ones that will come after. The series, Left Behind, was written as a fictional story but it was based on the book of Revelation and the prophecies contained in it. The horrors and other atrocities mentioned in the series could be far worse in reality, so make sure you aren't left behind.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
The Time to act is now!
God's unchanging love for all of us, regardless of nationality or the religion we practice, is evident in that He gives you life everyday! As long as you use it for some purpose other than serving Him, you are serving the enemy of God. You may not worship him (satan), but what you are doing or not doing will go against God if you are not serving Him. Many people think that if they don't have the "calling" to be a missionary or preacher that they can't serve God, but that is not true. You can serve Him and His kingdom by doing your normal everyday job with the joy the Lord gives you because you have Him and His Son to guide you.
He is not a task-master who cracks a whip every time you do something wrong, although the spirit within you may convict your heart of it. Some people call this their conscience, but whatever you call it, it is a part of you that cannot be taken away or shoved out of your life. If you don't have a conscience, I pity you and those around you. God loves all of humanity because He created each one of us. That is why it says in the Bible that "the hairs of your head are numbered" Luke 12:7 and "Aren't five sparrows sold for two cents? God doesn't forget any of them." Luke 12:6
If the Creator of the universe doesn't forget even the sparrows, don't you think He cares for you even more? Our lives were put here for a purpose, to serve Him and His kingdom in whatever we do. Many try to find their purpose in life and look in many different places, or books or even jobs. Our purpose is outlined in God's word, the Bible, if you will take the time and the chance to read it. Don't read it as a history book, although it is to some extent. Read it with an open mind. Most of the self-help books on the shelves just repackage the wisdom found in the Bible. Their authors dress up that wisdom in modern language, but the message and the meaning is the same. Don't let another day go by without, at least, giving God's words a chance to speak to your heart. The Bible was written nearly two thousand years or more before our time but the message is just as true today as it was then and just as relevant.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Our Service to Him....
I have never quite understood how some non-believers could come to the conclusion that man can make himself into a god. There is no possible way, because even the angels can't do that. They are heavenly beings created by God and they are very powerful, but they are still His servants.
Our lives are intended to be extensions of His will, even though we are not forced into this. We are to give ourselves freely because that is what Christ did. He subjected Himself to His Father's will, not His own. He went to the cross to die for us, all of us, so that when we believe in Him and His sacrifice for us we will have eternal life with Him. It is that simple!!
Simplicity makes some people scared because they think if it is too simple it must not be worth much. YOU ARE WRONG!! Our salvation is worth the price of God's son and His death and resurrection. I don't know of anything that could be named that would be worth even the price of my own son's death and being human we can't comprehend God's ways or His thoughts about His son's death. Of course, He knew that He was going to be resurrected and ascend to Heaven. But that is beside the point.
Would you sacrifice something so precious for beings that reject you and your ways! Even when you have given them every chance over and over and over, that is exactly what YAHWEH, Jehovah, God did for all of us. We should get down on our knees every day and thank Him that He allowed us to even get up from our bed. These facts are hard to accept, yet they are in the Bible which is the written word of God and He does NOT lie.
Please forgive me if this post is too forceful but time is running short and if you expect to be allowed into heaven, you have to get your heart and soul right with God. Once the door is shut by God, no one else can open it.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
A prayer for us, all
We are but puffs of smoke and our lives are nothing more than the tick of a clock compared to eternity. Even the "time line" that scientists say there has been on earth shows that the time of mankind is only a few thousand years compared to the length of four billion years which they believe our planet has existed. You could destroy and create the entire universe in less than a week and it would still appear as it does now if you chose for it to.
The amount of time that you allotted to man to live is but a puff of wind compared to eternity. In your word you said that "The days of our life are three score years and ten, or if we have strength, four score" (Psalms 90) Seventy years or, if You allow us, maybe eighty, but after that we are living on grace and nothing more. For it is by your grace and mercy that we live at all. We deserve death, but we are given life through your Son, Jesus, and through the grace which you extended to us through His sacrifice on the cross. Father, I know you will not forget your promises to us, your adopted children, or those made to your chosen people, Israel.
My prayer is simply....Come, Lord Jesus! Stir the spirits of those whom you will call to be yours so that they will come to you before the trumpet sounds for the gathering at the banquet for the marriage of the Lamb. In Jesus' name I believe and hope and I know that all these will come to pass in your time, not ours.
Thank you, Lord for the blessings which you bestow upon us daily and for the grace and mercy extended to us through your son. In Jesus' Holy name I thank you for all who will read and believe in Him and for all the blessings we receive every day we are alive. Amen.
Monday, September 29, 2008
My life in His Service
God loves all of humanity regardless, as I have said before. No matter what religion you follow or what "denomination" you happen to be, He loves you because He formed you in your mother's womb. An artist has affection for his creations and so does God. He is the creator of all things and no matter what or where your life happens to be, in service to Him or not, He still cares about you more than you could know or even realize.
In the Bible, God says "My ways are not your ways and my thoughts are not your thoughts." (Is. 55:8) That is why it is hard to understand the Bible, but if you read it without trying to make it harder than it is you can understand it. That is why Jesus said "Permit the children to come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." (Luke 18:16) The faith of a child simply comes to Him with no "baggage" like an adult. That is also what makes it so hard for scientists and political leaders who may not know Christ to come to Him. They can't understand how it can be as simple as believing in Him and the salvation He brings to us without cost.
Our lives would be so much easier than they are if we would simply come to Him in prayer every morning and start the day that way all the time. "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you." (Luke 12:31) My life and service to Him has not been perfect. I "gave" my life to Him twenty-eight years ago, but I didn't really begin to serve Him like I should until about five years ago. Why did I wait so long? I am not exactly sure, but I know that by the time I started serving Him I was a father and my son was starting to ask questions.
So it was a child who started the process, not me. I had been able to feel His influence on my life but I was still doing mostly what I wanted to and not what He wanted me to do. I don't mean that I was out drinking or other things but I wasn't serving God like I should. My spirit knew it and I knew it too, but it took a long time before I really did anything about it, and now I have and will continue to do as much as He will give me the strength to do. Please don't wait like I did. Ask Him to come in and give you the will and the strength to do what needs to be done so your soul won't be tormented forever for refusing His call on your life.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Good Morning, World!
In living the life that He wants us to live, through His Son, we serve in His Kingdom and we are able to do His will for our lives. The sooner more people come to realize that we are not puppets, and that God uses people for His purposes regardless of their belief in Christ or not, there is only one reaction that means anything.....coming to faith in Jesus! You know that God used the pharaoh in Egypt in order to display His power to the whole world, even though he didn't know the God of the Israelites.
He even uses other religions of the world to prove that He is the only God who loves and cares for all. He knows how many hairs are on each person's head because He put them there! He formed you in the womb from your mother and father's DNA into an individual with all of the attributes that He wanted you to have. Please consider reading His word and learning about Him and His Son, Jesus.
God loves you because you are His creation, no matter where you are or what religion you claim.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
A blessed life
My ministry is here on this blog and elsewhere so I pray that my ministry will bloom like a field in the desert after the rain. Please, consider your salvation and ask Him to come into your life. The time is growing shorter all the time and if you are not ready when He comes.....the tribulation is not going to be fun.
According to the Revelation of John, it will be a time of great upheaval all over the world, both spiritually and by other means of warfare. The "god" of this world will not stand by and watch, he will be there controlling all, even though the Christians and the church will already be in Heaven. Likely because of that fact, life on earth will get much worse than it already is. Because there will not be a restraining spirit on earth anymore, there will no longer be any moral compass for anyone unless they have given their life to God. Even then, they will have to hide because Satan and his followers will hunt them down so they will not be able to bring the news of salvation to anyone.
Your salvation, no matter who you may be or where you live, is of utmost importance. Your life is very short compared to eternity, consider where you would like to spend that time before it is too late. Don't put it off, you may never get another chance for redemption or salvation.
Monday, September 22, 2008
There are many ways to Heaven????
I can't believe that anyone who thinks the Bible is the word of God, and that it is true, could possibly think or teach that there is a possible way to Heaven that doesn't involve the acceptance of Jesus as Savior! The Old Testament confirms that belief and faith in God's promises were the only possibility of being justified by God at that time. Nevertheless, they went to the "pit" until Jesus went down to "release the captives" while he was in the tomb.
There are those who don't think that could have happened but the Bible says so, so I believe it.
Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and The Life. No one comes to the Father but through Him. (Paraphrase of John 14:6) You can be as good as you can be and still not be able to get into Heaven. Our "righteousness" is as filthy rags to God, no matter what we think or what others think of us.
I know that sounds like a very narrow-minded way of looking at things, but the road to Heaven is narrow and the door to that roadway is narrow as well. That "door" is Christ, and He is the only way to get there. If you still doubt me, read God's word in John, or Luke, or Romans as well. They all say the same thing, just in different words.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
It has been a stressful week
Jesus can do all things and I can too as long as I allow Him to work through me and not try to do it on my own strength. It is the "allow" part that most people have trouble with. We are not programmed that way by the world. We are told from a very young age that we can do anything and that it is up to us and no one else. That is one way of looking at things but it is not the way that God wants us to look at life.
Our lives are meant to be used in service to Him, no matter what occupation we have. He intends for us to use our occupations, such as policemen, firefighters, home-makers, factory workers or medical personnel to ultimately serve Him. Your service for God can be as little as showing that you are His by not arguing, or letting someone on a bus have your seat. Speaking with an elderly person about their life and really listening. Taking the trash out for your parents or your neighbor without being asked to do so and not asking for money. In other words, show that Jesus lives in your heart by what you do not what you say or by a cross on a necklace.
You can be a child of God just by asking Jesus into your heart and life. It really is that simple. There are many who don't think that they can be forgiven by Him, but since He forgave even those who rejected and crucified Him, He can forgive you too. Won't you let Him in to show you just how good it feels to be forgiven? Even if you don't know how to pray, God can tell when you are sincere about your repentance and are ready to receive Him.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Do you believe in the existence of Hell?
The reality of Hell is not whether or not it exists, just that it does! Jesus referred to it, the prophets of the old Testament referred to it. It is a real place. I know that many people say that a loving God could not send people to hell, but He will! The simple act of refusing his gift of eternal life through belief in Jesus will send you there, God doesn't want any human in hell. He created it for Satan and his demons, not us. Through rejection of His Son and the sacrifice made in our place, many people will go to Hell that would not have gone there by making the choice to accept Him as their savior.
I know that in many churches, the existence of hell is not preached but that doesn't mean that it is not there. Fire looks pretty but if you put your hand in it you will still be burned. The fire of hell is just as hot as any fire, if not hotter than that on earth, but your life after death is eternal and that is a LONG time!! The fire of hell does not consume you it just tortures you forever. God is not the one who sends you there, you do! By accepting Jesus as your lord and Savior you can escape that fate.
I know some will think that I get some compensation from a publisher by putting a link to Bill Wiese's book in this blog, but I assure you that I do not. I only put the link there to encourage you to get the book and read it. Then check the references to the Bible and other works that he uses and you will see that hell is a real place. If you don't believe after that, you will find out personally when you die. Instead of an angel coming to get you, there will be demon. I don't have to go into any more detail than that. Please, consider the validity of the Bible and the message in it's pages. It is true and Jesus is waiting. Don't wait until it is too late because no one knows when their time will come. It may be tonight or tomorrow. Don't put it off, please!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
God knows you and cares for you!!
I have heard many people say that they don't want to give up control of their lives to someone they can't see and don't know if they are real or not. God's word is real! He and his son were both there at the beginning. They created everything around us, above us, and below us so their reality is our reality! Just because they are spirit at this time, doesn't mean they aren't real. You can't see cell phone signals either, but your cell phone works. You can't see electricity but if you grab an electrical wire with your hand, you will know that it is there.
Our creator put each molecule inside your body as he formed you in the womb. He knows exactly how you will react to certain situations, what you will do and how you will do it. He can see the future because he is outside of time and space and not limited by anything. There are so many miracles which happen everyday and all of them come from Him. God loves you and wants what is best for you if you will only trust Him. He knows who will answer His call on their lives and who will not. But, He also knows who He has given talent to for his kingdom and the specific talents that he has given them.
Our lives are miracles just because He allows us to live! The penalty for sin is death so without Jesus taking that penalty on Himself, we should all be dead. But God knew each of us and knows each of us today. He doesn't want any of us to go to Hell, yet if we don't answer the door of our hearts when Jesus comes knocking, we will. No amount of water, or emotional displays in the church will bring you to Christ unless you answer the call of the Holy Spirit. Your life will change and there will be no turning back. When you do sin after a true conversion, you will know it instantly and will repent because your heart and spirit will convict you of it. There are many who think they have "found" the Lord but if they came when they wanted to, it is a lie. Search the scriptures, pray a true sinners prayer meaning every word, not just repeating what someone tells you to. A truly repentant heart is the sacrifice which is required, after which you will gladly serve Him in whatever capacity you can. It may only be in your job by being a reflection of Him. You may be called to the mission field or into service as a deacon or pastor. Whatever your gift is, he will perfect it in you through Christ Jesus.
Think on these things and know that He is Lord of all.
Monday, September 1, 2008
An Open letter to the President:
The religious preference of most Americans, according to almost any “poll” you might believe, is that they are Christian or that they believe in God. The problem with that is that even the Devil himself believes in God for it was God who created him.
Ever since the late '50's our country has lost many of its so called “old fashioned values” which were taught in schools for years up until that time. I have done my research and have come to the conclusion that if our founding father's were to be transported here now, they would not recognize any aspect of our government. Not because it is two hundred years removed from their time, but because the principles upon which they had intended our government to be based upon, the Bible and its laws, has been taken out of our government altogether.
If we are to fulfill our duty to Christ's mandate and to our ancestors we must get down on our knees and pray, especially those of you in the White House and the Senate and the House of Representatives. Our nation has gone astray from the values which made the Great generation of WWII so great and we need to get back to those values which come from God's word. Please don't end your term in office without a declaration of a national day of prayer and fasting and a call to America to repentance and revival.
Friday, August 22, 2008
So many souls, not enough time
I had "accepted" Jesus, or thought I had, many years ago but it wasn't until I went to a Promise Keepers rally that my soul yearned for Him and His word. Ever since then my life has changed drastically. I am no longer working in the vocation I was trained for, although I am still working in a hospital. I am working in the IT field now which I believe He called me to as my ministry and since working with computers is something that I truly enjoy. So now, my work is not so much "work" until something REALLY goes wrong. But, He gives me the ability to handle even those times as well.
Please consider your options and read the Bible, at least parts of the New Testament like Romans and 1 Corinthians. They contain some passages which should prick your heart and your soul. 'Til next time. In Jesus' name.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
The story of salvation is spelled out for all
In ancient times, the "pole" star was in the constellation of Scorpio which is a representation of the devil. Earth was under the influence of Satan up until the time of Christ and His crucifixion and resurrection, and it still is to a certain extent. After Christ's time, the pole start shifted to the constellation of ursa minor. We see this as the little dipper but it is represented as a little bear in most paintings of constellations. It is actually a sheep-fold or pen, representing the church after Jesus' time, waiting for the shepherd to come back.
God named all of the stars and placed them where they are so that they would serve their purpose of showing all the people the way to salvation. Unfortunately, the message and the constellations themselves were perverted into astrology and myth by the pagan world and that is what has caught on and become popular. Their true message, if looked at from the perspective of the message in the Bible, is an outline of salvation and the struggle between Satan and Christ and Christ's ultimate triumph over Satan.
There is so much more to add to this, but the bottom line message is that we can be saved from our own sinful ways and the temptation which comes from Satan through the acceptance of Jesus as our savior. After that, we should serve Him and further spread His word and message to all who will accept it. He loves all of you like His own children because He formed all of us in the womb bit by bit and He knows exactly who will come to Him and when, whether you know it or not. We are not to take our lives for granted because tomorrow is not guaranteed to you much less next month or next year. Please consider the words of the Bible from John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whosoever would believe in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
Believe in Jesus and the fact that He came to pay the penalty for all of our sins. He was not just a "good man or a great prophet". He was and is the Son of God. "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him were all things made; without him nothing was made that has been made." John 1: 1-3
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Olympic sized faith!
He has to be, He is the Creator of the Universe and everything in it! There is nothing too small or too big for Him to take care of or to create whenever He chooses to do so.
Friday, August 8, 2008
My life as a blogger for Jesus!
God knew who would reject Him and who wouldn't. He can also see into the future and know who will accept His message and who will reject that as well. He doesn't pick and choose and never has. We are the one's with free will and the choice of whether we will follow Him and believe Him or not. Our reward for this is eternal life and the indescribable pleasure of serving Him and His purpose, not only here on earth but throughout eternity.
The alternative is separation from God and the knowledge of what could have been had we made the right choice. Unfortunately, in our world, there are many religions which say that there are many paths to Heaven. But there is only one and that is through our faith in Christ, not in ourselves. We can never be good enough, humanity is not capable of that and never will be without the spirit of Christ dwelling in your heart after you believe.
I have been asked, "How do you know you are saved?" If you truly believe and have accepted Him, you will know. Just saying the words, going to church on Sunday, being a good person, giving to the poor, etc. are not enough!
Please accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior! Read the New Testament, especially Romans, all the way through! If you can get through it without being saved and accepting Him, I will pray for your soul to be stirred even more! Your eternal future is at stake, don't think you are going to be partying in Hell because that is not what it is. It is a place of torment and pain and it never ends, ever!
I pray that anyone reading this will get down on their knees and invite Jesus into their hearts as soon as possible. Because, you are not guaranteed tomorrow or even the next minute in this life you must at least read the Bible. Open your heart and mind to God and let His love and mercy flow from Heaven to you. You will never know how great it feels to know that the God who created everything, including you molecule by molecule, loves you.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Jesus, Creator, Son of God, Prince of Peace
There are many answers to that question especially today when the sanctity of life is in question and so many crimes are committed for even trivial things. These times were told about in the Bible by Jesus Himself. I am not going to quote scripture here but I will refer you to Matthew 22 through 24 as well as John 21. These chapters contain enough truth from the Creator of the universe to change the hearts and minds of millions, if you will believe.
God created mankind in His image and we should strive to be more like Him every day for that is what we are here for. All of creation shows the power and majesty of God, from the smallest bacteria to the blue whale to the largest stars and galaxies. Everything which God created fulfills its purpose, even the angels and demons and Satan himself for he was once an angel. Man has a choice, just like the angels, of whether to serve God and His purpose for our lives or to rebel against Him and do what we "feel" like doing.
Our purpose in life is to seek His will. To many people that is a confusing and hopeless proposition, but if you read the Bible you can discover His will for us and for yourself as well. There are no magic potions or spells which give you complete satisfaction in life and there are no other ways to do His will other than to be what He intended for you to be. I have discovered that if you ask Him to show you what your special ability is and what He wants you to do with it, He will answer you. The answer may not come on your time table, but it will come by His.
God loves all of humanity, no matter who you are or where you are from. He created all of us and He knew us even before we were born. He can see what you will do in the future as well as everything we do every day, no matter how small or insignificant you might think it is. God put your DNA together bit by bit while you were in the womb because He knew you would be a child of His. He also knows what you will do with your belief. Whether you will use it for Him or not. If you do, your reward in Heaven will be great; if you don't you may still get to Heaven but your reward will not be as wonderful. Just being there will be enough reward for me because I will be able to see the family that has gone on before me and I will be able to see Jesus. That is enough for me.
God richly bless all of you and your families and I will see you when we get there!
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Is the Bible outdated? I don't think so!
I do realize that the stories recorded in the Bible are hard to accept since the educational system in this country has been pushing the Bible out of the classroom for the past eighty years or so. In some areas of the country, even trying to teach "intelligent design" may get you fired if you are a teacher.
The Bible is the one guide which all mankind can turn to for guidance and truth, and it has stood as such for over two thousand years. The advice given in most, if not all, of the self help books on bookshelves today is echoed in the Bible. The words are different, but the message is the same. Psalms and Proverbs are two of the most influential books in the Bible, with advice about almost any topic contained in both.
Our children and their parents and teachers need the wisdom found in this "outdated" book, and need it desperately. If our society is to survive much longer as a society, our government officials would do well to go back to the practice of opening sessions of Congress with prayer and reading from the Bible.
The Bible is the only religious book which shows that our God loves us and cares for us, all of us. It should be one of the first books required to be read and studied in school from elementary through college. It doesn't have to be the major point of study, but all other studies should branch from its principles. I know this is not going to be a popular view of education, but it would serve our world much better, and we could serve Him better as well, if it were the center of education rather than being pushed out as "antique" and outdated.
The stories in the Bible reflect the human condition and our struggle with ourselves and the struggles we all face on a daily basis. The nation and people of Israel went through these struggles while on their way to the land which God had promised them. The fought Him almost every step of the way. God would get angry at them like a father does with his children, they would repent. Then "not many days hence", they would be off on another rebellious antic doing something they were told not to do. Exactly the way we behave today, as children and as adults.
What has always puzzled me is that they SAW the miracles that God performed with their own eyes. How could they possibly have been so disobedient? Because they were human and until we realize just how much we depend on God's grace and mercy just to get through every day, or even to wake up every morning, we will always be just as disobedient.
His love for us is like that of a parent for a child, unconditional. Without regard for our faults, our foibles, or our sinful nature. If God had not loved us, all of us, He would not have sent His son, the perfect Lamb of God, to cleanse the world of its sins. "He became sin who knew no sin."