Thursday, November 27, 2008
We should all be Thankful!
I read something the other day that quoted doctors as saying that they did not know what the reason was for people living longer who regularly attend church services. It is simply because they are serving their Creator and He is sustaining them, nothing more than that. But it is folly to those who don't belong to Christ because they can't understand it.
Our lives are to be living sacrifices to Him every day, not just when we need Him. Truly, we need Him every day and He desires our service and praise. He doesn't need us the way we need our spouses, but He desires to know the desires of our hearts like a mother or father desires to know and hear from their children.
The love of God doesn't depend on our service to Him nor does it depend on us at all. He loves us regardless. He desires our service to Him when we give our hearts to Him and to Jesus. We are not required to do this, but when your heart and spirit are changed by Jesus you will want to serve Him in some way. Being a deacon, a pastor, singing in a choir, teaching a class at church, cooking for the church, doing the best you can do at your regular job whatever that may be, these are all ways of serving Him daily. He doesn't require us to be missionaries to other people, just to those around us.
All people are important to Him because He created us all. He formed us all in our mother's womb from the bits of DNA of our mother and father. He knows exactly how you will look, how you will talk, what kind of temperament you will have, what choices you will make and why. The colour of your hair and how many there are on your head and the colour of your eyes are all things that He put there to make you who you are. He knows each of us more intimately than anyone else can. That is the God I serve gladly every day and I hope someday you will too.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
God loves us all, all His children of the World
There is a concept of humanity embodied in an African word which comes from the Zulu and Xhosa languages. Ubuntu (pronounced "oo-boon-too") is seen as a traditional African concept, is regarded as one of the founding principles of the new republic of South Africa and is connected to the idea of an African Renaissance.
A rough translation of the principle of Ubuntu is "humanity towards others". Another translation could be: "the belief in a universal bond of sharing that connects all humanity". This description of the word and principle of Ubuntu comes from the version of Linux I use and it describes a concept from the Bible that we are all here because of the grace and mercy of God. He created us where we are and in the station in which we find ourself, whether we are writers, teachers, Senators or the President of the United States. The very concept of ubuntu is why there is no word for "cousin" in African language. Everyone is thought of as brother, father, mother, or sister regardless of their relationship.
Jesus regarded those who were his disciples as brothers, sisters, and mothers so why can't we? I know there would be some people who would be against it, but if Jesus did it, why not? Our enemies can be our brother if we can just learn to live and get along until He comes back. There are so many people we could help and show the love of God to if we would do the will of the Father and go to them. Let them know that He loves them no matter what their circumstances are. No matter where they live or what they have done in the past, it can be forgiven by Him who loves us even when we are sinners. He doesn't love what we do or our behaviour but He loves us because he formed us all in the womb. When we come to Him in humility and let Him into our hearts and lives completely, the whole of Heaven itself rejoices for every sinner who comes to the knowledge of Jesus and His saving grace.
God doesn't choose who He will let in or not. I know the Bible says that we who are predestined to be conformed to Him will be and those who are not won't, but that is there because God knows the future and He knows ahead of time who will choose Jesus and who won't. He doesn't create you and point his finger at anyone's life and say, "I will take this one but I don't want that one". That is our choice and ours alone, even though He knows the choice we will ultimately make, He doesn't interfere with our choices. Sometimes it is hard to hear God's small voice but it is there, and our spiritual hearing gets better as we read and study His word. Don't wait, pick up a Bible today. Read it, pray over it, read it again. God speaks through His word and it is powerful. He will not leave you or forsake you, ever. If you don't believe me, ask Him to prove it. I guarantee that He will.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Christians need to rally together, now!
God loves us all and is in control regardless of what may happen. Our lives are in his hands and have always been. Jesus is our guide and our priest between us and God. He makes intercession for us along with the Holy Spirit, although God knows what we need and when we need it. You are His creation not just a collection of cells. God formed all of us in the womb and he knows us intimately. It hurts Him every time a child is aborted before having a chance at life. The life that He intended for that child to have and fulfill. Women have the right to choose, but not to murder and that is what happens when a child, not a fetus, is aborted.
America needs to get back to its Christian heritage and use the Bible as the center of our education system, not restrict people from exercising their rights as Americans. At one time in our history and up until about forty-six years ago, prayer was allowed and encouraged in classrooms. Once that was taken away, along with the study of scripture in high school, teen pregnancies began to skyrocket, violence in and out of the school and the home went up. In short, America began to lose its way. Away from God, and away from our forefather's dreams of a Christian nation in service to Him.
If our country can acknowledge other religions and their practices, why can't Christians exercise their beliefs too? Our beliefs are just as legitimate and more because our God created each of us and the universe too. He is the creator, not just some prophet or wise man, and when everyone finally comes to that conclusion it may be too late. Our lives are not our own, we were created to do His will and to glorify Him and His kingdom. When we do that, He will take care of our needs since He knows what they are before we do.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
God has chosen our new leader!
I pray that in time we will see what God has in mind by putting him in office, since it was his will that our new leader be who he is. God loves all of us, no matter our race or religious background and He wants us to come to Him and belief in His Son. I am praying that the changes which will come about because of this election will be the changes our country and our world need at this time.
God would not have put Barack Obama in this office if He did not have a plan for him to fulfill. I know in my heart that there are many who would rather have a different person in the president's office but it is ordained and his time will be what God wants it to be. I pray that he will be a powerful Christian in office and consult with God more than with men.
Jesus and His Father are behind all that goes on in the world, no matter what religion or people are involved. God chose the Jewish people as His people but when they rejected His Son, the gift of salvation was sent by the apostles to the gentiles (the rest of the world). We have bee the recipients of His grace ever since then. Every day we live is grace given to each of us. That grace comes to us in the form of our life and the air we breathe and the possibility of everlasting life with Him and through Him.
Give your life to Jesus and serve Him in all that you do and when He comes your reward will be more than you could ever imagine. Our human minds cannot comprehend what awaits us in heaven or as servants during the reign of Christ on earth during His millennial kingdom here on earth.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Election Day Jitters
I have consulted with my wife and with God on who should be our next President and so far I've not gotten an answer one way or the other. The office of the President will be bestowed upon the one who God has chosen not our own electorate, since He is the one who authorizes human governments not us.
God will decide no matter what the polls say or how many votes seem to disappear or don't appear at all on the ballots. It will be His choice just as it was when He chose David over Saul. The faith of the candidate matters not one bit. Whether he is a Christian or believes in Islam or Buddha or whatever, the choice is God's to make. Whether we suffer under the choice or not is ours.
The facts are that our country has strayed away from its roots, Christian roots. The settlers who came here, regardless of their role in slavery, were mostly Christian missionaries. Our history books may not reflect that now, but at one time they did. There have been many omissions in our history and I pray that we all will do the right thing and demand that those omissions be put where they belong so children will see and be able to understand where they live and why things are the way they are.
My vote may not make much of a difference in the outcome of the election, but God will put the one He wants in office regardless of our preferences and our differences. We are all His people, His creation, and He will make sure that our government is the one that He wants along with the President that He wants to run that government.